
Showing posts from April, 2024

Off We Go (Again!)

We're heading to Canada for a cruise with my siblings and spouses.  Since most readers seemed to tolerate my blog covering our recent trip to Italy , I thought I might as well do a bit of writing about our cruise in Canada, which starts in a few days.  This time I'm trying to streamline my publication process by using the Blogger platform. The big advantage for me is that it gives me instant access to photos taken on my phone without having to manually upload them.  That hopefully will make it a bit easier to post pictures, and I know everyone likes pictures! I set up a forwarder for anyone who got used to the old blog address: I've had a Blogger (or Blogspot as it's sometimes known) account for a long time but I haven't made use of it for many years.  Back in the early 2000s, I had a few clients get hoodwinked by a very nasty scam where people thought they were getting a Yellow Pages advertisement (remember the Yellow Pages?) when in...