Prince Edward Island
Good morning everyone,
9:00 a.m.
It is Tuesday morning and we've just arrived at Prince Edward Island. It is a glorious day, sunny and perfectly clear. This place is pretty flat which makes the sky huge. It's about 50 degrees and breezy. Here are a few photos from PEI this morning as the shipped docked:
Yesterday we were at sea all day, so not much to report other than we had a nice relaxing day, mostly reading and strolling around the ship. I'm finally starting to learn my way around after three days. We are located on the sixth level and most things of interest (i.e., food and beverages) are on the fifth level. One big attraction for us is the Explorations coffee bar, just a flight of stairs down from our stateroom. We usually order a light breakfast in our stateroom and grab a couple of lattes from the Explorations coffee bar. Really good coffee!
While we were at sea yesterday we were treated to a nice sunset:
Today we will visit the island by car. I'll report
back when we return.
2:00 p.m.
I'm back from our car tour of Prince Edward Island. My brother Don and sister Sheila graciously offered to go pick up a rental car for us to tour the southern part of the island. Gail's college roommate Laura has a house here and knows the island very well. Although Laura isn't here now, she sent Gail a scenic route for us to follow on our island tour. The island is very picturesque, with lots of farms perched on low rolling hills, punctuated by beautiful oceanic bays and inlets. Here's a few snaps:
At the recommendation of Gail's roomie, we stopped in at Mary's Cornwall Bakery to try the cinnamon rolls and cookies. Wow! Definitely worth a stop:
Another place recommended by Laura was Cow's ice cream. We stopped in and ordered a few scoops. I had the Gooie Mooie English toffee, caramel, and chocolate flakes) and it was fantastic.
They also were selling ice cream related merchandise, some of which got us laughing quite a lot:
We turned the rental car over to Noreen, Sheila, Tom and Bill for the afternoon shift; we repaired to the ship for naps and (in my case at least) blogging.
Tonight we're off to Sydney so I'll hopefully have some updates from there.
I've had some requests for more photos so I will be separately posting some photos that haven't made it into the blog yet.
Jim S.
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